When Julie and Craig Gunn were married at Belswan’s Pinjarra Village all the wedding organisation was handled by a fun loving group of women casually called “the Sisters”. They not only handled the catering and floral arrangements they even provided the entertainment singing “I will follow him” from the film Sister Act, starring Whoopi Goldberg.
The group invites the participation of like-minded women in the village who like to shop, go on outings and see movies and shows. They don’t mind organising a High Tea with all the trimmings either. The event was first enjoyed by Anna Duchess of Bedford in 1783, she described it as “a lovely time with friends in a genteel and special atmosphere”.
The Sisters latest High Tea required fun looks and creative dressing by the guests, almost a red carpet occasion for residents and a couple of Belswan staffers. Four delicious food courses and plenty of bubbly made it another resounding success for the socialising sisters.