

A Message from Belswan’s CEO

8th April 2020

TO OUR EXTENDED COMMUNITY VILLAGE LIFE DURING THIS COVID-19 PANDEMIC We have all had to make drastic changes to our daily living routines to minimise the…

A Message from Belswan’s CEO Read more

News from the villages – The gift of giving

8th April 2020

Belswan Villages have some wonderful caring residents. Denise, who also writes the Bugle village newsletter, did some research with Mr Google and worked out how…

News from the villages – The gift of giving Read more

Belswan Lifestyle Villages – Communities that care

20th March 2020

In this fast moving world it’s easy to feel isolated. Neighbours and friends move away, the kids don’t visit as much as you might like…

Belswan Lifestyle Villages – Communities that care Read more
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